Artists Patrick Michael Ballard and Sam Malabre met at the Games Lab at UCLA. In this conversation, they’ll talk about zines and do-it-yourself publishing as a space for performance and play. Sam and Patrick will explore the relationship between performance and tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs). Sam and Patrick will present a selection of zines and independent tabletop RPGs and will talk about non-traditional ideas of play.

We Keep Us Healthy: Zines on caring for ourselves and our communities

In this panel, we'll hear from zinemakers who create work to share inspiring and educational resources with their communities. Many trans people, disabled people and BIPOC face barriers to safe, culturally-responsive healthcare access. The panelists in this conversation each celebrate the power of zines as tools to empower their respective communities by sharing information, affirmation and personal narratives of healing.

Zine Fair at the Northwest Santa Rosa Library