Seeking Liberation Through Art: A Conversation w/ Casper Cendre, Rima Makaryan and Deseree Fontenot
A Conversation with Casper Cendre of ABO Comix and Rima Makaryan of The Monarch Project, and Deseree Fontenot of Shelterwood Collective.
Binding, Printing & Connecting: A Xicana Indigenous Perspective with Amanda Ayala
A multidisciplinary Xicana Indigenous artist, Amanda shares her inspiration for her multimedia art books, including artist liberation theory and how her indigenous work has influenced her art making process. She also gives short demos on mini zine making and block printing.
Binding, Printing & Connecting: Letterpress History & Practice w/ Andrew Mecum
Executive Director Andrew Mecum gave a virtual tour & demo of North Bay Letterpress Arts. Those who participated live were able to help create a print during the demo! The prints created were available at the in-person Zine Fest event. Featuring a surprise visit from Artist Amanda Ayala!
Hacer Zines Como Una Aventura de Auto Publicacion con Luis Blackaller [En Espanol]
Luis Blackaller, alias Cartoon Distortion (él), artista y cineasta de la Ciudad de México, utilizó su experiencia personal como fotógrafo callejero y artista gráfico, para describir cómo aprendió a usar zines y autoedición para dar nueva vida y significado a su arte. Habló sobre algunas fuentes de inspiración, técnicas, y enfoques en su proceso de creación de zines, y siguió con algunas recetas y consejos para inspirar a aquellos interesados en hacer sus propias zines.
Quest Forward Academy Zine Club Presentation
In this delightful video, members of Quest Forward Academy’s (QFA) Zine Club discuss the formation of their high school Zine Club and share some of the projects that they have been working on. This video was screened at the in-person Zine Fest event and QFA Zine Club members were present for a live Q&A session.